Circular Solutions for Global Impact

Leading sustainable change through design thinking and international collaboration

Designing a Waste-Free Future

Flutter Innovation, in collaboration with Reach Network, partnered with What Design Can Do (WDCD) and IKEA Foundation on their No Waste Challenge in 2020, addressing the global waste crisis through circular economy solutions.

The challenge focused on São Paulo, where only 3% of 18,000 tons of daily waste is recycled, targeting issues of overconsumption, inefficient waste management, and social inequality.

Our approach combined design thinking and sustainability expertise through three phases:

  • Understanding local context through detailed waste management analysis and expert engagement, leveraging Reach Network's global expertise
  • Facilitating virtual co-creation workshops using digital tools like Miro and Zoom
  • Supporting teams in developing and refining scalable prototypes

Key results included:

  • Engagement of over 140 participants
  • Development of more than 10 prototype solutions
  • Strengthened connection between design and sustainability practices
  • Enhanced global knowledge sharing through Reach Network's international community

The project successfully demonstrated how design and international collaboration can drive environmental innovation while creating locally relevant, globally scalable waste solutions.

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A visual journey through the project.

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